Life is a bitch and people make it worse This Thing that I'm in ("am") is a Forsaken curse (beta)
Man is out west driving and on the edge of town comes across a tourist stand and sitting in front is with an Indian chief right out of central casting. Dour look, full headdress, a glass jar and a sign that says "Indian chief know all! $5". So the fellow's curiosity gets the better of him and he goes up to the chief, puts $5 in the jar and asks "What did I have for breakfast on this day 10 years ago?". Chief taps his chin for a moment and says "Hmmm eggs. You had eggs!". "Eggs?" shouts the guy "Everybody has eggs! I've been had!" throws his hands in the air and leaves in a huff.
Ten years on, as fate would have it the fellow has occasion to be driving through the same town and sure enough he comes across the same stand, Indian chief, sign and jar. So he stops the car and saunters across the road, goes up to the chief like a smart-ass, holds up his hand and says "How". Chief taps his chin for a moment and says "Poached".
What is 14 inches long and starts with D
A Dookie From GREEN DAY
A man takes his dog out and steps in shit. He exclaims "WHAT THE DEUCE".
What do you say to a 1 legged hitch hiker? Hop in!
Why are you censoring my friend Franz? He's just making jokes, but you admins get offended too easily, f*cktards!
"Penis equals power, pussy equals wussy."
what did the man say to his wife? "MAKE ME A DAMN SANDWICH WOMAN!"
Why the f was my shooting joke removed? It was funny, and this is obviously a website for morbid humor. WTF, I mean, Come on...
Son: Hey dad, why is my name Canada?
Dad: Because you were made there.
Mum: We haven't been to Canada.
Dad: Hol' up a minute.
Daughter: Where was I born?
Dad: Alabama.
Daughter: That is nice.
Mum: We have never been to Alabama.
Dad: RUN!
literally no one:why cant you hear the pterodactyl random person:i don't know no one:BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTINCT random person:ha cool i guess
Son: Dad, why did you name my sister Paris?
Dad: Because she was made there.
Son: Thanks, Dad.
Dad: You're welcome, Backseat.
So many bots commenting so fúcking fix it
We’ll be back.