Why does Michael Jackson wear a white glove?
So he won't bite his fingers when he eats a tootsie roll.
Why does Michael Jackson wear a white glove?
So he won't bite his fingers when he eats a tootsie roll.
What was Michael Jackson's favorite dessert? Cream pie.
POV: Someone stole Michael Jackson's baby: "He he stole my bab(y), he he."
Why did Michael Jackson go to Sea World? To free Willie
What was Michael Jackson's favorite song? Touch me. I want to feel your body
What brand of paint Michael Jackson use to paint Neverland Ranch? Dutch Boy.
What does Michael Jackson and tuna fish have in common? They both come in small can
Michael Jackson is happy when there are twenty eight year olds
Michael Jackson is like a TV from the 1900s black and white
Whats harder then titanium Michael Jackson at the playground
You heard that Michael Jackson autopsy reports showed he died of food poisoning?
It’s because he ate some 8 year old nuts.
what does Michael Jackson saw when he stubs his toe?
How to get your joke on every category Michael Jackson,towers, morbid, emo, school, short, penis, sects, little Jonny,
Michael Jackson gets really ill, so he's rushed to hospital. When they get there, he says, "Am I in heaven?"
The doctor replies, "Nah, sir, we're just taking a quick shortcut through the children's ward."
What are Michael Jackson’s sexual pronouns? HEE HEE
Good news people michael jackson is still alive, they found him hidden away in a goat pen with all the kids
Why can’t Michael jackson win a race Because he’s always coming in a lil behind