What do you call it if you find an old organ keyboard on the side of the road?
Organ harvesting.
What do you call it if you find an old organ keyboard on the side of the road?
Organ harvesting.
Hi, I...
Sorry, my cat touched my computer. I don't know how to delete.
The joke is that if you take a cap off a bottle, is it decapitation?
Sorry guys, it's a hard word to spell.
I was using my computer one time and I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Delete, and Stephen Hawking went into a deep sleep.
Random words in my keyboard:
The most annoying part of this game has always been that the players don’t know how much time it takes to get to the table before you start playing them.
More random keyboard words made into sentences:
This was a joke that was made by someone who had never been to the game before, but who was the first person to make it into a game of game with the intention of being able to play the first person who played it.
lgjhkfgjghlfimh nvRFEDSGZXC7M HUFTDRGCZX ITGFRYDHSC 98I.UKJNTGYFHV O0.IL,KM bnjhsvuxvyhgu6t7jn5rrrrrrrrrrnj
Who deleted my stuff??? Woooow, you racist just because I'm Hispanic?