Whenever I see a dog video, I just take a second to press paws.
What will Donald trump build in our devices? - A firewall
Davin is a pedo.
50 Thumbs up for 10 jokes you ́ve never seen!
Kevin Woody (look him up)
This page.
Yo mama is so fat, when she came on this website, the whole server crashed!
What's a skeleton's favorite meme? Ken Bone
What is the first thing the disabled download on iTunes?
"They see me rolling, they hatin'."
So many of these jokes are unoriginal, and you guys need to step up your game.
I googled "How to start a wildfire." I got 48,500 matches.
Knock knock. Who's there? Ya. Ya who? Sorry, I prefer Google.
I don't think anyone even checks these jokes.
Then: You want free candy? Now: You want free wi-fi?
Two WiFi routers got married. The ceremony was OK, but the reception was amazing.
Why did Wi-Fi and the computer get married?
Because they had a connection.
A pedophile is chatting on the internet: "On a scale of one to ten, how old are you?"
As a 13 year old, online dating is a tough thing.
Every time I meet someone new, they end up in jail.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He just stares them down and gets the information he wants.
How do trees get online? -- They just log in.