If a baby dies in the womb , is it considered suicide?
What is red and cries and spins around and around? - A baby in a microwave.
My 2 year old Asian baby cant do calculus Look who in sweatshop now
Whats the difference between a baby and a bowling ball? A bowling ball doesnt cry when you put your fingers in it.
I asked to switch seats on a plane because I was next to a crying baby. Evidently that doesn't work if the baby is yours.
What is red, pink, and goes round and round?
A baby in a blender.
What is green, brown, and goes round and round?
The same baby 3 weeks later.
So, a woman gives birth to a child, and the doctor grabs it by the leg and holds it upside down. Then, he starts swinging it around the room, slamming it into the furniture. The mother tries to get up and starts screaming and crying, “Let my baby go, you sick bastard!” The doctor looks at the mother and stops swinging the baby. He is holding it by the left leg and starts chuckling, “I’m just kidding, it was already dead.”
What's the difference between a new born baby and an orphan after a rugby match?
They both come out bloody and crying, but least one gets picked up.
How are infants and chocolate alike? They'll both kill your dog
What is more fun than throwing a baby off a cliff?
Catching it with a pitchfork.
what's worse than a baby in a trash can? A baby in two trash cans.
What do you call a baby on the battlefield?
Free shield
A bomb is like a baby when you drop it everyone screams
what do u call a Chinese baby? sum ting Wong
I got a pen for my baby sister. Best trade I made so far.
What do you get when you put a baby in a blender?
A boner.
If your baby can unhook your bra, is it time to stop breastfeeding?
Whats the difference betwee a pair of jeans and an african baby?
A pair of jeans only has 1 fly .
Why did Michael Jackson dangle his baby out the window?
He was airing his blanket.
Where you born on the high way that's where most accidents happen