
Iceberg Jokes

Luisa: the ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is

Captain of the titanic: wait what did you say

3 minutes later

Why didn't I listen to the strong one

Imagine if hitting the iceberg wasn't an accident and it was all just the sailors' fault like this:

Sailor 1: Hey Ron. Sailor 2: Yeah? Sailor 1: You see that iceberg over there? Sailor 2: Yeah. Sailor 1: You know what would be pretty funny?

The ocean will kill you to death expensively if your on titanic buying the tickets was a wast of money- Ice burg

There was a magician on board the Titanic and said that he could make anything disappear.

Once the ship had gone down one of the passengers said to him, "Go on, so what did you do with the ship then?"