What is the difference between climate change and the greenhouse effect, once a philosopher, twice a sodomite?
I was about to say an African joke, but it was too dry.
Your face is crustier than the Sahara Desert.
Why don't Indians like snow?
Because it's white all over their land.
In 2013, it was reported that China has lost around 28,000 rivers; over half of what they thought existed. Some say climate change is the cause, others say it’s their harsh, economic expansion that’s unapologetic to the environment.
My theory is that those 28,000 rivers were sold to underground river-sex trafficking.
How is there evidence of climate change?
The liberal snowflakes are drastically melting down!
Puns about air conditioning. I'm not a fan.
Global warming is the average of temperature on Earth.
Why can't you get water in the North Pole?
Because there is no well.
Why did the weatherman’s cheeks turn pink?
He saw the climate change.
Why is a cabbage green? Because it's in Greenland.
A Texan and an Alaskan walk in a room. The Alaskan says, "My state is bigger than yours." The Texan says, "It won't be when it melts!"
What do you call a gay person in Antarctica?
You used to be someone’s sunshine, but sorry, the climate changed. 😂😂😂😂
How do you find a rapper in a snowstorm?
Look for the one with the "ICE-COLD RHYMES."
What do you call an Eskimo stripper?
A frosty-tute.
What are the four seasons?
Salt, Pepper, Sugar, and Flour.
I guess Canada's national igloo is melting because of global warming.
Why did the glacier send the iceberg to college?
Because, in order for ice to exist, it must retain a temperature of less than... ZERO DEGREES at the atomic level!
Yo mama so fat, when she was just there, she made the whole earth go back to the ice age!