How to run from Iran? Iran away
I made a house for orphans and....
they had no clue How to use it
Person 1: You are the dumbest person in the class.
Person 2: Well, you're the second. Maybe, but at least I'm not the dumbest.
Person 2: I know how to fix that!
... Next day person commits suicide...
Sure, just tell me how to put on a mask.
How to tell your kid is adopted? Hi daisy lets play a game called your adopted i will start your mum died so i had to adopt you but dont think i live you beacuse ypur where the only kid their haha
Outdoor Entertaining by Patty O.
Over the Mountaintop by Hugo First
Plumbing for Idiots by Duane Pipes
Music Theory by Amanda Lynn Player
Meterology 101 By Wendy Reign and Sonny Daze
Oh God By Dixie Rect
Please Dont Stop By Craven Moorehead
Life And Times Of A Porn Star By Dixie Normous
Right Stuff By Dang Lin-Wang
How To Take Care of Your Cat By Connie Lingus
Right Way 2 Orgasm By Buster Cherry
The Unwanted Child By Brooke N Rubbers
How to write joke
How to get your woman to come upstairs say you are necked
My wife caught me one day for watching a porn channel, so I quickly turned the TV to a fishing channel. On her way out, she said: "You should stay on the porn channel. You know how to fish!"
Me: I know how to use a Microwave! Also me: Mom! The Microwave is on fire!
me : hey! do you know how to tie a knot? person : yea, why? me : cause I need help tying this noose :)
A womens knitters group is having a meeting and they are all pregnant. They all talk about their pregnancies. One woman says "I'm taking vitamin C so my baby has a healthy immune system". Another knitter says "I'm taking Folic acid to help my baby's brain". Finally one woman says "I'm taking Thalidomide". All the women turn to her and say "Thalidomide ! Don't you know your baby could be born without arms?" The woman shrugs her shoulders and says "I don't know how to knit arms". (Told to me by a woman knitter)
Do you know how to make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.
How to learn your Vitamins. A = Art. B = Bouncy Balls. C = Cookies. D = Da Sun. You'll be smarter than a doctor next time you visit!
How do you trick a Catholic priest into using the glory hole at an adult bookstore? Tell him it is a confessional booth.
Your grandmother died cuz she fell on the highest floor of the hotel your grandfather died cuz he got shot by saving your mother if he didn't save your mother you wouldn't be here You grew up in a world full of virus you wanted the virus to be gone there's only one way But you have to know it I can't tell it for you Your mother got the Covid-19 you prayed and prayed all night hoping that she would be okay the next day the doctors went to your house without your mother you asked "Where is my mother?!?!" The doctors said "Your mother is gone,so we came here to tell you" the doctors left. Anither hour you were thinking while crying "Why was my pray not working?,Lord why'd you let me down?" You searched on Google "How to bring back the dead" the Google workers declined it.your father left you cuz he loved another girl Your brothers are still with you but what do they get the virus? Who will be with you? Don't forget Jesus is still there for you don't give up keep going and you will succeed soon you will find your own family and beat the coronavirus
It's funny dating someone smarter than you, my girlfriend knows how to push my buttons but never takes into account what a dick I can be if need be, let me explain, say for example she calls me retarded, I remind her that she's dating me.
What’s the difference between me and Chester Bennington? I know how to use an exercise band.
How to tell your kid he's adopted:
Son, I'm a virgin.
Chuck Norris gets paid 2m dollars a month training Bear Grylls how to survive in the “harshest conditions on earth”