
History Jokes

I walked into a supermarket to get some ordinary clothes for the wife. Then I realised I was in a rape museum

Hey, Iโ€™m George and this is how to figure out if someone is a psychopath.

Go into someoneโ€™s search history, And find โ€œCuphead ship fanficโ€.

Hey George, why do you have Russia x America countryhumans-

People are pushing for a new black lady liberty coin. I can't wait to use black people as currency again

Why canโ€™t you tell jfk facts about Dallas

Last time he was their he got his mind blown.

Two guys watching a war movie at a Bar are talking , one says to the other. " The Nazi's starved my dad to death in a concentration camp during the war". The other says " my Dad died in a camp as well...he broke his neck" First guy says " how did he break his neck?" Second guy says " He fell out of the Guard Tower".

In a deep village in Germany old man asked his granddaughter "what are you doing?". His granddaughter replies "removing polish with chemicals". Grandpa said when I was younI did the same.

if anyone ever makes a time machine, please make a bunker for Hitler/the Nazis and send them to 2050. I want to see who would die first, future us or them.