Your mum is so fat, when she was sitting on a scale, the number couldn't even fit on the scale and came shooting out!
Your mum is so fat, when she was in front of my apartment, I couldn't get in.
Your mama is so fat.
She steps on the scales. She has to return in a couple days to get the results.
What did the fat say to the other fat? I am fatey.
Your mama so fat that when Thanos snapped his finger, it only got rid of weight.
So big that when you step, you break the whole galaxy.
You're so fat that when Thanos snapped his finger, you broke the correction.
My grandma's got 99 problems, but a fat butt ain't one of 'em.
When my friend fell, I didn't crack up, but the sidewalk did.
Yo mama so fat that when she sits, she makes a 7.4 earthquake.
How do you get rid of a fat ghost? You exercise it.
Yo mama so fat, flat earthers say she's round.
Sometimes I look around and all I see is two fat cheeks in my face and say, "Too mushy apples."
Mom: Do I look fat in my dress?
Child: Nah... you look fat in every dress!
You're so fat when you told your mum and dad, even they laughed!
You are so fat that when you jump into the pool, everyone gets out.
Last week I went on a whale watch.
After everyone had piled onto a boat, they loaded the boat onto a trailer and drove to your house.
What is the difference between a fat person and a whole pizza?
Well, a whole pizza cannot eat a fat person.
While I was waiting for your mum to waddle past, I missed a whole season of my TV show!
You're so fat, you lasted a whole year on the cross just off of your fat.