
Emotion Jokes

What do you do when your sister askes you “why are you sad” Reply back with “Because you were born”

My friend’s mother was never a font of sympathy, but always the one to see beyond the darkness.

Upon learning about her daughter’s cancer diagnosis she said, “Well honey, at least you’ll lose some weight!”

I congratulated my friend on losing all that baby weight. She started crying and told me I should make them for miscarriage like that......

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

My life.

My life who?

My life is depressing...


What's the difference between a baby and an onion?

The baby cries when I cut it, but an onion makes me cry when I cut it.

You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. For example, if she's holding a gun, she's probably angry.