What does fortnite and real life have in common?
They both lost their tower
What does fortnite and real life have in common?
They both lost their tower
I’d roast you but your mirror does that for me everyday
i made google earth for orphan kids sadly it does not show where home is
Does anyone know what's going on with all the creeps that joined and restart your school laptop to get everything unblocked
What does a Male Asian P*rnstar like to say? "I love eating cat"
What does a cannibal call a pregnant women... A kinder surprise
You're so ugly that when you were born your mother asked "how does my little treasure look", and the doctor replied, I think we should bury it immediately.
I come in from work to see my wife dead on the sofa. As I unzip for one last ride she says BOO! What kind of a dick fuck does that!
How many Emo's does it take to screw in a light bulb.None they all just sit in the dark and cry.
When does a Joke become a Dad Joke? When it leaves and never come's back...
What does McDonald's and a paedophile have in common?
They both like sticking their meat in ten year olds