Q. What's a disabled person's favorite band?
A. System of a Down's syndrome.
A cannibal went to the dietitian, and he got told to eat more vegetables, so he ate a disabled person.
What part of "Another One Bites the Dust" do you sing to a disabled person to make fun of them? "I'm standing on my own two feet."
What do you call getting gonorrhea from a disabled person?
A slow clap
How do you piss off a disabled person?
You put the cookie on the other shoulder.
What do you call a disabled person who deals drugs?
A wheel dealer.
I saw a disabled person in the super market. They were at the vegetable aisle.
Why does the disabled person scrunch his toilet paper up? Because that’s the way he rolls.
Why can't there be a gay disabled person?
Because a fruit can't be the same as a vegetable.
What has 2 wheels and screams? A disabled [person] I dropkicked down the stairs.