I was an orphan as a kid, but I have never had a bitch, so I asked this cheerleader to homecoming, and she said, "Mofo, you are only coming to hoco because you need a home to go to!"
Sans: Why couldn't the skeleton go to prom?
Sans: Because they had NO BODY to go with.
Papyrus: THAT IS ENOUGH!!!
Sans: Sorry, didn't mean to GET UNDER YOUR SKIN.
Sans: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How do you start a dance party?
Go into the PTSD ward of an insane asylum and set off fireworks and watch the magic unfold.
A seizure is just an excuse for break dancing.
What song did Michael Jackson come up with after his first sleepover with the kid?
"Just Beat It."
What did the girls on the beach say to Michael Jackson?
"Could you move? Your sun is in my son."
Why couldn't the skeleton go to the prom? Because he had no BODY to go with...
I could have said a skeleTON more jokes, but I think that might break your funny bone.
What do you call a girl skeleton dancing?
A bone-étit.
A teenage guy is taking a girl to a dance. First, he goes to buy her flowers, but there’s a really long line at the florist. Finally, he buys them.
Then, he goes to rent a tux, but there’s a really long line for that, too. After a few hours, he gets the tux.
That night, he picks up the girl and they go to the school for the dance. There’s a long line to get in that goes halfway around the school. A while later, they finally get in. They dance and talk for a while, then the guy gets thirsty, so he goes over to the table to get punch. There is no punch line.
Why did God create gay men? So fat girls could dance.
What is a monkey’s 🐒 favorite dance move?
The banana 🍌 split.
What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball? She gagged and moaned.
How does the dog dance?
He doesn't... he's dead.
Why can’t orphans go to daughter and dad dance night they don’t have a dad to go with.
My friend said to me that I am gay. My response? I’m as straight as that pole that your mum danced on last night.
How do we know Cinderella is a virgin?
Because she runs away from balls.
How do you get a party started in Africa?
You put a slice of bread on the ceiling and everyone will be jumping.
Why did all the numbers laugh at 22? Because it had "tu tu's."
How do you start an Ethiopian rave?
Stick toast to the ceiling.
How do you make the world’s greatest Harlem Shake?
Throw a flashbang into a room full of epileptics.