What does an apple and a lawyer have in common?
They both look good hanging from a tree.
The joke is as short as me.
What’s the difference between a bleeding child and a bleeding chimpanzee?
They're both crazy and now dead.
My life is a lot like a game of Black Jack.
I always hit on 16, then get busted.
What does an apple and a gay have in common?
Both fruits hang in trees out in the Middle East.
I like my women how I like my wine.
Aged 9 years and lives in the basement.
What’s the different between a cat and a comma? A cat has claws at the end of paws; A comma is a pause at the end of a clause.
What the difference between MetaCareForAll and the resurrection of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ? One of them is an unrealistic fantasy that can never come true because it wouldnt work. The other one is the resurrection our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. (Ben Shapiro 2020)
How is a woman like a condom?
Both spend more time in your wallet than on your dick.
What is the difference between a baby and a watermelon?
One is a refreshing summertime snack; the other one is a watermelon.
What's the difference between onions and babies?
I cry when I cut onions.