
Common Jokes

They say birds of a feather flock together, so I guess that’s why KRIS and COMMON SENSE haven’t met yet

What does a deaf person and an orphan have in common?they both can’t hear their parents

Why can’t an orphan go to family dollar?they don’t have a family

Don’t mess with an emo because if their friends pull up u gotta fight the suicide squad

Q: What do a blond girl and a tornado have in common A: There's a lot of blowing and sucking then u lose your house

What does Kobe and the Twin towers have in common?

The pilots just couldn't stick the landing

Wow that was explosive!

Man I'm on fire 🔥 today

Q: what does a microwave and an M1 Garand have in common? A:They both go “ping” when they’re done