The twin towers are like crippled legs once they break they can’t be fixed
Yo mama so fat, when she went up the elevator the World Trade Center collapsed.
Your mom is so fat that when she went on top of one of the twin towers it collapsed.
What is the difference between the titanic and the twin towers? They both went down.
Why was the north tower a bad doctor when the south tower collapsed? Bc the north tower didn’t do cpr
when the south tower saw the north tower collapse he say I'm still standing.
what is another name for 9/11? a forbidden game of jenga
I'm pretty sure that 9/11 was the biggest game of Jenga ever recorded in history
Why is the Tower of Pisa leaning?
Because unlike the Twin Towers it can dodge.
What did the pedestrian say after he saw the twin towers fell?
What's the similarities between the New York Jets and the World Trade Center? They both fall I'm September.
What happens when the twin towers breathe they collapse like a orphan with stage 4 cystic fibrosis who lives in the streets of Africa
Tried making jokes about 9\11 but it just kept falling apart
The towers collapsed on 9/10 not 9/11
the twin towers collapsed faster then my grandma did.
Why did the twin towers fall? They collapsed because of the heat
Can never tell a funny 9/11 joke they always collapse and burn
What was the Twin Towers favorite game? Jenga
Whats the difference between the twin towers and the poeple at the old folks home. They both collapsed
What game did Al-Qaeda Play With The Twin Towers On September 11th 2001? Jenga.