When you see a kid yelling and you wanna leave :(((((((
I would tell you an orphan joke, ehh I’ll just tell your parents instead.
what does a website have that an orphan doesn't? A home
They told me throwing babies was bad, but guess what I did yesterday? I threw my baby cousin down the escalator.
What is cold and alone?
An orphan's parent.
Why is it that orphans love Frisbees so much?
Because they return eventually.
Guys, what do you call an un-aborted and parentless child?...
An orphan.
I dressed up as Darth Vader at an orphanage and said, "I am your father!"
what is a orphans first step to the orphanage
Why do orphans like boomerangs more than their parents? The boomerang comes back.
One day I saw a kid cry, so I go, "Let's go find your parents." I miss my job at the orphanage.
Why do orphans get lost on boats? They can't find the home room.
What's the difference between an apple and an orphan?
The apple gets picked.
Why did the orphan become a criminal? It wants to be wanted.
Father: I'm taking your toys to the orphanage. Child: But why? · Doctor: I'm going to have to turn you away. Orphan: But why?
What's the difference between orphans and cotton?
Cotton gets picked.
Mary: If you born pikin (child) inside shop, wetin you go call that pikin (child)?
Mike: The pikin (child) go bear Bishop.
What is an orphan's favorite period? Homeroom.
Why is the orphan failing all his classes? He can't do homework.
What's the difference between an orphan and an apple?... one gets picked.
I chucked a lamp and a depressed kid, hoping it would brighten up his day.
Where can you never take an orphan to dinner?
Family restaurants.