Why can't the USA and England play chess?
USA has no towers and England has no queen.
Why can't the USA and England play chess?
USA has no towers and England has no queen.
Why did America loose the chess match?
They were down 2 towers.
why cant americans play chess? because they lost their 2 towers
Why are americans bad at clash roylae? because they lost thier 2 towers
Do you want to know the most racist game? Chess. You wanna know why? Because they never let black go first. I wonder why... lmao.
In British chess I guess they play without a queen...
But in American chess they play without 2 towers
Why can't America play chess?
There are missing two towers.
Why does Michael Jackson have such a hard time playing chess?
He can't choose between black or white.
What do women and chess have in common? When you sacrifice the females and replace them, you are more likely to win.
What do you call a nut who loves the game of chess? A chess-nut.
Why are the English so good at chess? Because there Queen never dies.
life is like a game of chess, i don’t know how to play chess