How do you fit a whale inside a car? A blender.
What is Green and Red and goes round and round? A frog in a blender (this next one is pretty bad, and I don't mean it, so don't get offended) What's the difference between a Mexican and a park bench? One can support an average family
What’s red and goes 100 miles per hour
~babies in a blender 😌
What's the difference between a baby and a watermelon?
One screems when you out it in a blender and the other one is a cooperative little fruit.
How do you get a baby into a small bowl? A blender. How do you get it out? Tostito chips.
How do you fit a hundred babies into a small bucket?
With a blender
How do you get 100 dead babies into a tub? Put them in the blender. How do you get them out of the tub? Give mexicans tortilla chips and tell them theres salsa in the tub.
Person 1: Why did you put the baby feet first into the blender?
Person 2: To see his facial expression. Why else?
Whats black and white and red all over????? A zebra in a blender!!!!!
What’s the difference between fruit and dead babies?
I don’t put fruit in a blender.
My Smoothie Ingredients -Bananas -Strawberry -The Blood of my ex -Peanut Butter
What's the best way to get ten babies in a bowl?
A blender.
What's the best way to get them out?
A blender.
how did you get sally into a blender? -without much resistance how do you get sally out of a blender? -tortilla chips
How do you get 500 dead baby’s into a car? A blender
How do you get 500 dead baby’s out of a car? A straw
what's green then red all over and goes 100mph?
a frog in a blender
What's black and red and goes 90 miles an hour? A baby in a blender!
Q: how do you get 10 babies in a trashcan A: With a blender Q: how do you get them out A: chips
what turns green to red in a flick of a switch?A frog in a blender.
Whats black, white, and red all over? a penguin in a blender
Whats all fuzzy, warm, and laughing? The person who snapped its neck and put it into the blender
How do you fit 1000 babies in a swimming pool? A blender. How do you get them out? Slurp them up with a straw.