Dead Baby

Dead Baby Jokes

What's the difference between a dead baby in a dumpster and a treasure chest? It's a surprise when you find the treasure.


What's worse than a dead baby?

A pile of dead babies. What's worse than that? The one on the bottom is alive. And what's worst than that is, the baby has to eat its way out.

What's worse than a dead baby? A pile of dead babies. What's worse than that? One's alive at the bottom. What's even worse than THAT? It eats it's way out. Wait it gets worse... It goes back for seconds. Just one more I swear... It fucks one of it's siblings at the bottom.

What's the difference between a dead baby and an orange? I don't keep a trash bag full of oranges in my basement.

Did you know the Bible has a passage about killing babies by smashing them against rocks? That's probably because microwaves hadn't been invented yet.