Why did the blondie put her ipad in the blender: to make apple juice.
if tomatoes are fruit does that mean ketchup is a smoothie
How many babies does it take to paint a wall red? It depends on how hard you throw them.
how do you fit 100 babies in a bowl? a blender. how do you get them out? tortilla chips.
How do you get 100 babies in the back of a pick up truck? Blender How do you get them back out? Straw
How do you get a baby out of a blender? With doritos
Why do you put a baby in a blender feet first?
So you can see the look on its face as you climax.
how to make a baby make funny faces Put it feet first in a blender
How do you fit 15 babies into a shoe box? A blender
How do you get them out of the shoe box? A straw
What sound does a baby make when you put it in a blender? I don’t know I was too busy wanking
whats thick and has ice in it when you take it out of a blender?
a baby smoothie
What did the egg say to the blender? Nothing It"s an egg joke
What does a baby in a blender look like?
I don’t know, I close my eyes when I masturbate.
What is red, white, and goes round and round? A baby in a blender.