
Bitch Jokes

Orphan jokes protest Anonymous Orphan jokes are just funny so stop trying to ruin our fun!


Gwen: Stop! It is not funny. Orphans are just out their cold, weak, and need someone! And the jokes are not funny!

Shut up: Shut up!

Liv: Gwen stop!!

Gwen: SHUT UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!

Teacher:every1 tomorrow is bring your mom to school day Me:srry but my moms not gonna make Teacher:why Me: im an orphan bitch

If Emma feel had a penny every time someone gave her header she she would have enough to make Mark Zuckerberg and trump her third legged bitch.

I'll pat-your-breasts, pat-your-breasts, cos I'm a baker's man. and you bring me an orgasm as fast as you can I'll pat you, and prick you , and mark you with my "D" And then put you in the oven for the bitch and me!

Kill your self. Stop thinking whether or not to do it u dumb fucking cunt no one likes you. Jump off a fucking 3 story building bitch.

Me and my friends were having a party the other day when some bitch came bitching about the noise. Thankfully she was hot and had a nice ass so it was enjoyable raping her. The next day when i woke up I found her body only half eaten, her lower body was still intact so I went for seconds to fuck off the hangover. Then I had breakfast, her ass tasted good with some ketchup.

What do you do after raping a deaf mute eight year old girl? Smash the little bitch’s hands with a hammer so she can’t tell her mum

America: Saying, “ I beg your pardon” in British English is like saying; “ What did you say to me you orphaned big forehead shitty ass small dick bitch?”

UK: You Americans are so fucking rude.

America: Oh Im SoRrY mIsTeR fAnCy PaNts 👖

I’m a god, and I’m here to flex on you bitches. My flight to New York on September 11th was rocky but I lived. Imagine dying on a plane, fr. At least try and respawn:/

Kenya, if you keep smiling then you will become a positive bitchy! Tenya, everyone hates you why I have no idea! Kenya stop smiling and start dying! Tenya, why are you so mean! Kenya, stop acting like a mantrapp! Tenya, stop being a bitch in a skirt! Please leave a comment good or bad! cusswords whatever!