
Ball Jokes

When I went to basketball training, there was a giant bag of basketballs on the floor

My friend was like "that's a huge sack of balls."

He didn't realise what was about to happen.

"Thats what she said"

How can you compare a gay prostitute to Pacman?

They both get paid to eat 200 balls!!


Santa gives a boy a bike and a soccer ball for Christmas, this upsets the boy. Why? Answer: He has no legs..........the boy has no legs.


Billy got a bike and a soccer ball for his birthday from his uncle, but he was very upset. Why? Because he has no legs.

Mr. and Mrs. Potato were walking down the street when a french fry caught the attention of Mr. Potato.

Mrs. Potato said: ̈I see you eye-balling that French girl! ̈