"Buy a man an airplane ticket, he will fly once. Throw a man off an airplane and he will fly for the rest of his life."
- Sun Tzu
"Hi, plane," said the tower.
Did you know penguins can fly if you throw them hard enough? Just like children!
Why couldn't people have their phone on airplane mode during 9/11?
Because their phone exploded the towers.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that Keagan's FIFA team should be this terrible, also the problem is that Keagan is a Real Madrid fan.
Famous last words.
Twin towers: “Is it a bird, is it Superman? AAAAAHHHHHH SHHHHHIIIIIIIIIZZ!”
When you realize the shuttle blew up.
Then you realize you're on the shuttle.
my grandpa was a great pilot. but he died. on September 11 2001
My grand pa died in 911 he was a grate pilot
What’s the difference between my mom and the Twin Towers?
My mom got hit by two cars. The Twin Towers got hit by two planes.
- Why is that flight waiting at 30,000 feet height?
- One tire became flat. They are changing it in the middle of the journey.
Why did the terrorist masturbate and smoke weed on the plane?
He was told to high-jack it.