The world exploded, so now I need to visit Uranus.
Flat Earther pickup line: "The Earth may be flat, but Uranus is round."
Why can't you tell anyone about space?
Because it's too out of this world!
Black holes and horny black women have 1 thing in common, they suck everything in sight.
Keep the planet clean. It's not Uranus.
Your hairline is so far away that even the Hubble Telescope can't see it.
Science flies you to the moon.
Religion flies you into towers.
How do you make a baby astronaut sleep?
You rock-it!
Why was the sun ☀️ mad at the clouds ☁️?
Because the clouds kept throwing shade.
Me: Would you like to be the sun in my life?
Her: Awww... Yes!!!
Me: Good, then stay 92.96 million miles away from me.
Me: Then stay at 1,000,000 km of me.
How does NASA organize a party?
They planet.
I am throwing a party in space. Can you help me planet?
Q: How can you tell the sun is a boy?
A: It rises every morning.
What is Michael Jackson's favorite planet? Uranus.
Imagine Africans during a solar eclipse...
Why did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend? - Because he needed some space.
Yo mama so fat, she has her own event horizon.
What do planets use to download music?
How does the moon cut his hair?
Eclipse it!