Muslim religion is just pregnant women saying "Allahu Akbar" and exploding a bus.
Where do terrorists go for food? The Allah snack bar.
Allah akbar.
What do middle eastern suicide bomber say before they blow up? I weel sho u wot da bom bom is! ALLAH!
Looking out for becoming a pilot, can y'all suggest some good mosques?
Don't want to learn the landing part, though, Allah said it's unnecessary.
My dad died in the 9/11 I'll always remember his last words
Allah hu akbar
my uncle died on 9 11. her last words were Allah Ackbar.
Muslim child to his mother: "Mom, why is my backpack so heavy?"
Mom: "Allahu Akbar, my son, Allahu Akbar!"
My name is Jafar. I come from afar. There's a bomb in my car. Allahu Akbar!
Where does a Muslim like to go and eat?
Allah's snackbar!
If you believe in allah you will go strait to heaven mashallah š
When you want to commit suicide, just say "Allahu Akbar," there will definitely be a blast.
Clarm chin ass bou ducky wack wakaka chuck chuyli bingbong DA sauec
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What did the cop say to the muslim breaking the law?
"That's against th-Allah (read like da-law)."
I like my women like my family, theyāre related.
Allahu Akbar.
so a cupkake walkes into a bar and sits down the bartender syas to himself dam this is some good shit
How do yo secks
With penis!
jajajajja funny joke epic laugh I have been detained please help