
Africa Jokes

African Kid - "Mom can we have water?" Mum - "Sure it's in the house." African Kid - *Goes to the fridge and opens the door searching for cold water* The fridge - ERROR 404 Water Not Found

Well yo mama is fat. And when she loses weight all the food that she has is hers but the Africans get none

If only Africa had more mosquito nets then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of aids

Did you know the giraffe’s hooves are the size of dinner plates? Too bad they would have nothing to put on them!

Everything is now so expensive in Africa that witches don’t serve food in dreams again. Am I lying? Okay, when last did you eat in your dreams?

Whats the difference betwee a pair of jeans and an african baby?

A pair of jeans only has 1 fly .

DH: I asked my girlfriend what she wanted to eat, she said nothing. So I brought her to Africa.

Dark..Humor :)

A man asked his girlfriend what she wanted to eat one night, and she said Chinese food, so he took her to China. The next night, he asked her again. She said Indian, so he took her to India. The next night, he asked her again. She said, "Nothin'," so he took her to Africa.