my grandpa was a great pilot. but he died. on September 11 2001
i walked up to some Arabs and said alawakba, then here came the second tower.
Tons of people committed suicide on 9/11 by destroying government property.
Not to mention and by plane.
Why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers in the world? Because they went through 90 stories in just 10 seconds!
What is the difference between a cow and 9/11?
You can’t milk a cow for 15 years.
I used to think 11/11 was mistakenly 9/11.
In 2001, my parents took me to 9/11. I was soaring towards it with excitement!
They say there is strength in numbers. Tell that to the people in the World Trade Center.
Can you imagine the last thing that went through the minds of 9/11 victims?
Well, probably the person in front of them.
How many Karens does it take to change a light bulb?
Just call 911 and demand a cop come do something about the intimidating blackness.
Science can fly you to the moon, but religion flies you into skyscrapers.
I got kicked out of flight school, so I decided to learn from the experienced pilots (Isis).
A blonde accidentally kills a cop and calls the police.
She exclaims, “Hello, is this 911?”
The other person, “Yes, what is your emergency?”
The blonde answered, “I called to inform you that you’re 910 now.”
What’s worse than George Bush doing 9/11? Jeffrey Epstein doing nine Elevens.
Wait, 911 is the American emergency number...
"White people can't jump..."
"You must not have seen the Twin Towers on 9/11."
Osama bin laden hit the towers because he couldnt fly straight
What makes 9/11 an inside job?
Someone started calling it 10/7.
What's the difference between your birth and 9/11?
One was planned.
How do you know that Americans hate exercise? 9/11. How else do you explain hundreds of them jumping to their death rather than taking the stairs?!