Your Mum

Your Mum Jokes

Kids uncle " your mum said you can have your friends round tonight ! But imma have to baby sit today" . Kid "OK THANK YOU". (AT BED TIME ) Kid " Please may u stop touching my leg BEN!" Ben "im not " (turns light on ) Kid " UCLEEEEE STOP SPILLING MILK OVER ME !!!"

Your mum is so fat when she reached for the remote and when she found it it was crushed

Your mum is so fat Les Dawson would agree with me that when she passes her handbag from hand to hand she throws it.


a teacher in Scunthorpe asks a class what their favourite football team is saying "raise you hand if it is Scunthorpe" every student but one raised their hand. the teacher asks "why don't you support Scunthorpe?" the child answers "my parents support Grimsby and so do I". the teacher comes back with "why are you copying your parents? what if your mum was a prostitute and your dad a druggie?" the child answers then i'd support Scunthorpe like you dirty bastards"

your mum is so fat when she sat in a monster truck it turned into a lowrider

im ashamed to admit feeling proud of the rape joke i posted and what went on between me and your mum