Your mom is so fat that she cannot look her feet when taking a shower
Your mom is so fat that she only knew 3 letters which is K F C
Your mom is so fat that she thought Eminem is a candy
Your mom is so fat that she works as a hydraulic press in a car factory!
The only thing drier than these jokes is your mom.
Your hairline goes so far back, your mom is scared you're not going to make friends.
If your daily is a Chevy, then your mom is super heavy.
Your mom is so fat that when she went on top of one of the twin towers it collapsed.
Your mom is so weak when she jumped from the Twin Towers her baby became disabled
your mom is so fat she lookes like she ate the marshmallow from Ghostbusters
ill call your mom a cow but which one
What happened when a kid bullied an orphan? The orphan said I’m going to tell my mom Bully:I wanna see your mom Narrator:at that moment he new he messed up
This was my friends joke he wanted me to post;)
Me explaining my child: when your mom is sitting on a table during her period, it's called the periodic table.
Your mom is so fat the space shuttle can see her from 10,000 miles away.
You wanna know the difference between a rake and your mom? The rake is actually useful.
Your earlobes are so big, you can fit your mom inside of them 5000 times and still have room for more!
There is no way you can fit in there.
Says who?
Your mom.
Last night.
Your mom's so poor, she chased the garbage truck with her grocery list.
When my bro says "YOUR MOM" when I'm talking when I'm at school, and my friend says "YOUR MOM," me punches him;-;
Your mom is so fat that the photographer had to go to the moon just to click the photo of her belly button.