Why would a vegetarian never moan during sex?
They don't wanna admit that a piece of meat made them happy.
Why would a vegetarian never moan during sex?
They don't wanna admit that a piece of meat made them happy.
Why did the rapper refuse to write a diss track?
He didn’t want to start beef, he’s VEGAN.
What’s another term for a lesbian?
A vagetarian.
Why is sucking cock inside the confessional booth the only thing that a catholic priest doesn't have to give up for lent?
Because catholic priests don't have to be vegetarians during lent.
What's the hardest part about making vegetable stew? Trying to get the wheelchair to fit into the pot.
Do they say you are what you eat?
That makes Bulma a VEGETARIAN if u know what I'm SAIYAN.
Yo mama so vegetarian that she loves the Vegan Teacher!
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
What do you call a gay man that is not a vegetarian?
A cocksucker.
What do tofu and a dildo have in common? They're both meat substitutes.
A cocksucker is still a cocksucker if a cocksucker only sucks for moral, religious, or health reasons, and a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat for moral, religious, or health reasons can still be a cocksucker, so how can a cocksucker be a vegetarian for moral, religious, or health reasons?
Vegetarian: I prefer plants.
Herbivore: I just like food.
Cannibal: I'm a people person.