This Jokes

Teacher:tell me a moral story Little Johny:once my grandfather was in WW2.he saw everyone praising to kill him.for example we should sneak up and kill him,we get the helicopter above and shoot him from grandfather heard this,he got his gun and shot them all Teacher:what is the moral even? Little Johny:never plan to kill my grandfather

My wife said she wanted to leave me. She said it’s because of the abuse, but really, she’s the one abusing herself by drinking alcohol and got poisoning the next day. This shows almost half of the woman’s population is weak both physically and mentally.

This is bullshit! Stop showing cheesy and dumb jokes! This website is for dark humer, insults and morbid! All of you who don’t talk about the following go die!

I wanted to bomb a restaurant, so I went in there with a bomb, but the bomb got diffused and did not work.

I asked a person standing nearby. I said, "Hey, do you know how to fix this bomb so I can blow up this place?"

He gave me a book.

It was the Quran.

I said, "What the hell is that?"

He said, "This is the official manual for bomb making."

If I don't get a bf by the end of this month, Christmas lights won't be the only thing hanging from the roof.

Say this to someone who is fat that you don't like (make sure he's a virgin):

"You're so fat you can sell shaaade!! That's why you're a virgin and you masturbaaate!!! Yeah, I've see you, touching your 1 centimetre and if you have a gf she's is a cheater!!"

Make sure to say "shaaade" not "shade". And say "maturbaaate" (also try to say a D not a T in maturbaaate) not "masturbate".

"You have to do this," and my sister said, "Well, I don't care."

And I said, "Well, you care enough to respond back, oh my gosh!"

So there is this button there's a 50% chance you get a million dollars there's a 50% chance that you turn into a turtle make them press the button and if they give the money you just push the orphan over take their money and run away because who they going to tell their parents.

What's the difference between a bad joke and an actually bad joke?

An actually bad joke is not funny, like this one!

People, when your lover cheats on you, do this!

1. Start a conversation. 2. Say, "What's that smell?" 3. They will smell around. 4. Say, "OMG, it's a b****," and walk away and ignore them.