What do orphans and garbage have in common?
They’re both in the street, and no one wants to pick them up.
What do orphans and garbage have in common?
They’re both in the street, and no one wants to pick them up.
Can you imagine the last thing that went through the minds of 9/11 victims?
Well, probably the person in front of them.
Why are orphans so bad at dodgeball?
Because no one misses them.
What do LGBTQ folk and folk with scoliosis have in common?
None of them are straight.
I want to write some jokes about unemployed people, but none of them works.
Q. Why do orphans love elevators?
A. Because they're the only things to raise them.
What do you not say to an Emo if you want them to come round? "Wanna hang out."
What was Michael Jackson's answer to the parents of the little boys who were left with him when asked why does he do it that way? Tell them that it's human nature.
Father: I am taking your toys to the orphanage.
Son: Why?
Father: You’ll need them there.