The one thing I love about Steven is he stood up for all of his haters. Just kidding.
Recent attempts to defund Special Olympics have organizers scrambling to come up with more corporate sponsorship... targeted companies include:
Kleenex Depenz Bicycle Helmet manufacturers Velcro Shoe manufacturers Steven Hawkings Publishers
Why didn’t Steven hawking go to heaven? Because it was a stairway not a rampway
How did Steven Hawkins die? He lost internet connection
IN 2011 Steven hawking said god didn’t exist in 2018 god said Steven hawking didn’t exist xx 😂😂
what was the one test that Steven hawking couldnt pass
why did the chicken cross the road ?to help steven hawkings cross
Apparently Steven Hawkins was a stand up kind of guy
Steven Hawkings Sesh Cave, Entry 50p, Guaranteed Budweiser and Ectasy. Maybe A Gram of Heroin, You'll most likely see a mental 90 year old guy absolutely going mental on the dance floor with a Stella in one hand and another on his crotch.
There's a new horror movie about Steven Hawking
It's called unplugged 🤣
have you ever heard steven hawkings sing? “head, shoulders, wheels and frames wheels and frames”
Have you walked into Steven Hawking's house yet? Yeah neither has he
Man, I’m so sorry that Steven Hawking is dead he was such a good person. To bad it’s a stair case to Heaven and not a ramp
The reason steven sounds like a computer cuz he ate his usb
You know how Steven is smart which class did he skip? Leg day
Why did Steven halkings die.....
A quad rasher ran him over
What was steven hawkins favourite drink
His dribble
There is a difference between my brother and Steven hawking, at least one of them do something
steven hawkings death you should of gotten a case
if steven hawking was walking they would have a hawk problem