What do you call a smart blonde?
What do you call a smart blonde?
Jake, tommy, and mike were adopted. Jake got adopted, tommy got adopted and mike. Mike grew up to be a office worker. So you get a new job, and here something about this guy named mike, The next day you go into the office and mike is sitting next to you, with unicorns and Rainbows and stuff, then, a co-worker comes up and says “No one told you mike was gonna be this GGGAAAAYYYYY!!
what do you call a lazy gay?
someone who comes straight out of the closet, and goes straight to the couch.
What has two wings and a halo?
A Chinese telephone. Wing-wing Halo?
When the school shooter finally leaves your classroom, but then the autistic kid next to you's sketchers light up.
So, is a homosexual in a coma a fruit or a vegetable?
Q: What do you call a Mexican that lost his car?
A: Carlos.
The mother and her daughter went to the store. After they arrived, the daughter looked around and ran off somewhere. The mother realized this and took off looking for her. After a while, she found her tugging on a black man. The mother asked, "What are you doing?" and the daughter replied, "I wan't the chocolate!"
Name something you practiced kissing on as a kid.
What's the most unrealistic part of Harry Potter?
A ginger with friends.
The American salute starts with your hand facing flat towards the ground on your head.
The British salute starts with your hand against your head just like the American salute.
The French salute starts with your hands in the air.
The Saudi salute starts with you being bent over with a camel tongue in your ass.
Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?
The cabinet had sleeping pills.
A Mexican was doing a magic trick. He said, "uno, dos," then disappeared without a trace.
How did the retard win the break dancing competition?
He saw flashing lights.