Yo mama's so old when she was a girl rainbows were black and white
What do you call a kid who's been kidnapped?
Well, her name's Sally, so I guess... Sally. My main concern is getting her out of the freezer.
What did the processor say when it was being overclocked?
"Stop it! It hertz so much!"
My friend told me my wrist wasn't a cutting board. So I asked her if hers was at all and If i could borrow it.
I got fired from my job today at a banana factory. They said to throw away the bad ones so I throwaway the bent ones
your hairline is so bad even your gay friend is straighter then it.
so heres the joke, A bear walks into a bar and sits down and then....then..........then................................zzzz
My doctor said I only have 1 year to live, so I killed him. Got sentenced to life in prison, problem solved!
Joe mama so fat dora can't explore her
People ALWAYS told me to open doors for elders. So I opened the plane door 5,000 feet up in the air for a grandma.
When the school shooter breaks into your classroom so you try to say goodbye to your Roblox gf but then the shooter's phone goes off.
What did one shoe say to the other shoe when they were fighting?
I wanna sock you in the eye so bad!
yo mama so fat, when she stepped on the scale it told her "i wanted your weight not your phone number"
Yo mama's so dumb when a robber stole her TV she said you forgot the remote
why are people in japan so slim. bcuz the last time a fatman came the lost half their population
Im so good at sleeping, i can do it with my eyes closed.
What did the elephant say to the naked man?
How do you breathe through something so small?