
Serve Jokes

if the minions serve who ever is the biggest bad then who did they serve 1930-1945

Everything is now so expensive in Africa that witches don’t serve food in dreams again. Am I lying? Okay, when last did you eat in your dreams?

A Weasle walks into a bar the bartender says "Wow I've never served a weasle before, what can I get you?" "Pop", goes the weasle.

*I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast any time" so I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.― Steven Wright

I'll never forget my bosses last words: " We shall serve the best meat in our burgers! "

In some places in the world, you can't get an abortion even after rape. That's so fucked up.

You serve your time, you get out, and you STILL have to pay child support. What a nightmare.

Kris looks like a Neanderthal, the only difference is that Neanderthals serve a purpose in HUMAN HISTORY

i made a deal with satan. i would get a free pass to hell, if i serve as a demon lord. so, see you guys at the end of times!

It’s too bad G won’t be able to follow in Kobe’s footsteps and rape a hotel employee but not serve one minute in jail

An autistic woman walks into a bar. "A serving of Screaming Banshee, please." she says. The bartender says "Ok, you seem to like it, unlike a retired special ed teacher that passed through a few minutes ago."