Steven Hawking will be greatly missed for the time he walked this earth.
if stephen hawkings had a fifa card he would have 99 dribling
Why’ve was Stephen Hawking so good at FIFA? He had 99 dribble
stephen hawking had pins and needles and got told to walk it off
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite TV show?
Robot Wars.
Did you know when scientists discovered atoms could split it blew them all away?
if stephen hawking was in a horror movie .... would he make his robot try and shout “aaaaaaaaah help me , i can’t move i’m too scared” ???
How did Steven Hawkings die? His wife tripped over his charging plug when he was at 2% battery x
What is Steven Hawkins favourite food? Micro chips
Stephen hawkings tried charge his phone and unplugged his life support
2 scientists walk into a bar, the first one says "can I have a drink of H2O?" then the second says"can I have a drink of H2O2?" and he dies
What was Steven Hawkins name before he got his desease? Steven walkins
What's Stephen Hawking's favorite song?
- They see me rolling.
I guess you could say Stephen Hawking is a dead meme.
how did stephen hawking die?
they unplugged the wifi
Why did Stephen Hawking die? He didn't pay his electricity bills.
I knocked on Stephen Hawkins door but nobody answered...
All I got was "error 404 page not found"
Why was it cold in Stephen hawkings house? - Because he had a new window open...
Stephen Hawking tried comedy. His first line ruined it. 'You know what I can't stand? Let me rephrase that, you know what? I can't stand.'
What do you called Stephen Hawking on fire?
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