
Say Jokes

What did the baby cow say to the mommy cow when he saw a hamburger. Mommy is that Uncle Joe?

What did one shoe say to the other shoe when they were fighting?

I wanna sock you in the eye so bad!

I hate prom in Alabama, they always say “uhh actually this is our family reunion” WE ARE IN ALABAMA SO THEY ARE THE SAME

A homeless man sits in front of a home Depot, a man walking out of the store hands him some money and asks "Why are you in front of the home Depot?" And the man says "Isn't it obvious? Hoping somebody accidentally drops the house they just bought."

People say that biting off your finger would be as easy as biting a carrot if your brain didn't try to stop you. How the f do people know that and how many people's fingers did they bite off before coming to that conclusion.

A man walks into a bar and say I'm feeling depressed what do you have to cheer me up? The bartender replied: a shotgun

So today i heard a friend say she had a stalker, i can confirm i ́ve never seen a stalker following her.