A robot walks into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender is flabbergasted that a robot can do that. "new around here?" said the bartender "nah, been here awile" said the robot Bartender "you can talk?" robot "yeah, pretty cool huh." bartender "why do you want a martini" robot "oh, i'm just in the mood for one, you know?" The bartender is shocked to see a robot making completely normal small talk. The robot seems to be just like a normal human, "wow, who programmed you?" asked the bartender "the top minds in the world." said the robot. The robot speaks again, "I have a question for you..." Bartender, "what?" "Why did you read this entire story, it does not have a punchline, I just wasted your time, Get bamboozled nerd!"
What's the difference between Carrie Underwood and a robot?
A robot can feign empathy.
Dad: Son, do you want to play Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots?
Son: Sure, let me get it from the closet.
Dad: No, bring your sisters. Just like the game, they can’t move their legs.
Is BB hungry? No, BB-8.
What do you call a disabled Arab?
Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2).
Mother, father, and a son. Father purchased a robot that can detect lies. The robot slaps when you lie.
During dinner time: Father: Son, what have you done today? Son: I watched Netflix, Dad. Robot: Stood up and slapped the son! Son: Okay! Okay! I watched porn, Dad. Dad: What? You watched porn? You are only 14! I never knew porn till I was 18 years of age. Robot: Stood up and slapped the Dad! Mother: Started to laugh and said "Sure he is your son!" Robot: Stood up and slapped the mother!
What do you call Joe from Family Guy in an electric wheelchair?
You: hey Alexa what is your gender? Alexa: I idenify as Michael Jackson and my pronens are...... Me: *hears it* and their pronens are he/he
I'm not a robot, but orphans are.
What do you call a bored robot?
A “sigh”-borg.
What's Stephen Hawking's favorite food? His left shoulder.
What's Stephen Hawking's favorite robot? Him as his shoulder/wheelchair.
what happens to stephen hawkins when he loggs in to his account on google when it saids I am not a robot?
What do robots 🤖 shave with?
Laser blades!
what is one question on a tech test you should always ask before getting down? What in the Robot!?
What do you call a male robot who wants to be a girl?
A trans-former.
U die from robot bite
What do you call a Mexican Transformer? Optimus Juan!
Why did the robot eat a lightbulb?
'Cause he was in need of a light snack!
Why does a robot malfunction when they get sad?
Because they have a break down.
I bought a Dalek egg timer recently...
After a few minutes, it shouts, "Eggs terminate!"