
Politician Jokes

Some of the most convincing people you'll ever listen to are born liars; usually they're called politicians.

What is meals on wheels to a christain nationalist that is also a conservative republican politician a gay man in a wheelchair that is poor and also physicality handicapped and who is also well-endowed

What do you get when you cross a fat christain nationalist that is heteroflexable and a christain nationalist politician who is also a born again christain and a conservative republican that has a small penis a tv evangelist on steroids

What do you get when you cross a panhandler, a politician, a lobbyist, a prostitute, a sodomite, and a Jehovah's Witness knocking on your door at your house to convert you to their religion?

I went to a museum and saw clocks. The owner told me these were lying clocks. This is God's clock. It never moved because he never lied. This is your clock. It move 3 times because you lied 3 times i asked where is President trumps clock. he said it was at the equator. Spinning super fast for those who were on fire. I laughed so hard because it was so true