Covid be like, "I'm going to take your breath away."
Your mom is SOO stupid, she was studying for a COVID test.
Donald Trump is getting all the perks of 2020. He got COVID and lost his job.
I see how it is y’all be buying toilet paper, stocking up from the Coronavirus, but where on the symptoms does it say diarrhea? Lol, why y’all be buying toilet paper, now I am just confused.
got kicked out of the hospital cause i told all the Covid-19 patents to stay positive.
COVID is like fashion...
We started hearing about it in Italy...
Became popular in LA and NYC...
Florida ignored it...
And it was all made in China in the end.
My girlfriend got COVID.
This is the perfect time to propose to her. She might just say yes because of the lack of taste.
"Peppa Pig"-like pandemics.
Q: What is found deep inside of us, and the more we express our love for each other the more it spreads throughout the world?
A: Covid.
All countries will get Covid.
Except China, they got it right off the bat.
How did the cannibal know the girl he was eating for dinner had COVID-19?
She lost her taste.
Ever since we started quarantining, I've only been telling inside jokes.
Why DIDN'T the chicken cross the road?
Social Distancing.
One day, he started crying out of nowhere. Everyone started crying with him.
There was a crying pandemic going around.
Why didn't Biden get the virus?
He sniffed everyone!
Why is Delta jealous?
Because Omicron took the final kill.
Friend: Your t-shirt is cringe. Me: you should go get the Covid test because one of their symptoms is no taste
How did the other 18 COVIDs go unnoticed?
I got a great corona virus joke, but you wouldn’t get it.
corona be like: eliminating half the population of boomers faster than Thanos *snap*