Overeating Jokes

I recently got pulled over by the cops and started spazzing out because of the police lights

He arrested me for impersonating Gorge Floyd. *I have seizures*

Male Patient: So I just pull my pants down and bend over for this prostate exam? Doctor: Yep. Male Patient: Ok im ready. Hey! That doesn't feel like a finger. Doctor: Yep, and im not even a doctor.

Blossom: why are we dating the rowdy ruffs when were technically siblings? Bubbles:... Buttercup: idk but those people over there r lookin at us weird Alabama: 😈

Timmy had 66 toys he said it was 2 many (662) so he gave it to Mr. Divide he gave 21 equals flip it over! It’s weird

the terrorists said over the inter com we re coming up to our destination so we cant go over it we cant go under we have to go through it