What do you call it when your dead because of that one drink in Panera bread? Panera dead
I have returned, anyways what do you call it when your actually in Panera bread, being in Panera bread!
Ok guys, I have one last joke (for now).
What do you call it when Panera is over?
Panera end.
What is is called when you talk in panera bread
Panera said
What do you call a panera bread doctor A panera med
Mmmm, bread. I love Panera Bread.
This is unrelated, but where I live, there is no Panera Bread. Y'know what that's called?
No Panera Bread.
What do you call it when a man named ned works at panera bread
Panera Ned
Im on a roll with my jokes rn
What do you call it when panera bread is a book
Panera Read
Credit to my boy tippecanoe3 for this joke What do you call it when Panera isn’t hungry?
Panera fed
Credit to RogueRobot for this one:
What does parera sleep in?
Panera bed
What do you call it when an orphan goes to panera bread Panera, My parents are dead
What do you call it when panera bread, Shuts down Panera is dead