Morbid jokes

Morbid Jokes

My favorite thing to do on my free time is putting a large skewer on the front of my car and speeding through a school zone trying to make a kebab.


there's two types of emo people

1. people that cut side to side

2. and people that cut up and down

the most efficient is up and down

Trump says to Obama “you know it’s the White House not the black house right?” And Obama says “yeah but it isn’t the orange house either.

There are three people on an island. One dies, and the second guy goes to burry them. He comes back with deer meat. The first guy eats it, but second guy refuses the meal.

When the men return to the mainland, they part ways. The first man goes to eat the deer again at a local restaurant. He takes one bite, then jumps off a bridge.

In heaven, an angel asks him why.

“Well you see,” he answered, “that man was a tribal cannibal. Delicious in my wife’s meat though.”


At weddings, old people poke me and say "you're next!" So I do the same to them at funerals

Today I donated my watch, phone, and $500 to a poor guy. You wouldn't believe the happiness I felt as he slid the pistol back into his pocket.