I tend to think my ‘depression’ is for attention. I guess I have depressed depression.
What is the worst motivational thing to say to a depressed person?
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Why wasn’t the cheese 🧀 happy?
It was blue 😔.
What's a depressed person's favorite drink?
Depresso espresso.
Why can't all guys be more like Kenny? He doesn't get all upset when his mom isn't in the mood.
At every funeral, it's a try-not-to-say-"big mood"-challenge for me.
To whoever stole my antidepressants, I hope you are happy now.
The other day someone stole my mood ring. I don't know how to feel about that.
Being sad is my only happiness.
Is depression an emotion or a state of mind? I call it a lifestyle.
Q: What do you call a cranky cow?
A: Moooooooody.
I love stairs. They always bring me up.
What do you call a sad, depressed artist? Anything but "Cows of Woe".
If you ever feel depressed, drink some coffee.
Expresso, expresso, no more depresso!
I woke up on the floor this morning. I think I woke up on the wrong side though.
I know people don’t really like cat puns, but mine are PURRety good.
Did you CATch that one? No? Because you are in a bad mood? You should WISKER those feelings away. We should PAWnder ways to fix your mood. Just remember to keep CLAWing at the problem. I am glad I can help MEW.
You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. For example, if she's holding a gun, she's probably angry.
What does a cat say when it's angry? - Stop stressing meowt! 😂😂😂😂😂
I'm starting to wish my grass was emo.
So it would cut itself.
What do you call a sad cup of coffee?
Answer: Depresso.