Why does Trump play Minecraft?
'Cause he can build walls.
Why does Trump play Minecraft?
'Cause he can build walls.
How did Technoblade actually die?
He got stabbed!
"Why is my name Rose?"
"A rose fell on your head when you were born."
"Why is my name Daisy?"
"A daisy fell on your head when you were born."
"Bedrock is better than Java!"
"Oh, hi Brick!"
When I got to you and I was android and we were all in minecraft for the last two years and we had the same problem ui with you anymore but you can see it on Instagram that it is not a real time thing or a android
sike i likeed your minecraft account is mine
Asdf movie: meow meow I’m a cow Me to my villagers in Minecraft: chick chick my guns cocked so frick
What Minecraft mob do autistic people relate to the most?
The Enderman.
Why didn’t the autistic boy like Minecraft?
There was a new texture pack.
Steve: Who's there?
Villager: I'm not talking anymore.
Steve: I'm not talking anymore who?
I would like to make a Minecraft joke...
It would be too plain.
Why is Stephen Hawking so square headed? Because he forgot to shut Minecraft down!
Please tell me you understand this...
Q) Why is Technoblade's body hard?
A) Cuz he was thinking of children on his deathbed!
Why don't orphans play Minecraft?
Because Technoblade is on the platform.
Minecraft YouTube, but I can sing Believer!
YouTube, but I'm making a first video in YouTube.
And I record all the Minecraft videos and upload.
Ooohh! To try it and upload. Ooohh!
I've been recorded to streaming, couple more sleeps to do the dreaming.
I finally get to the stronghold, and if you told me, you told me, you told me, you told me.
Place some more ender eyes, and it's time to big surprise.
It's time to kill the ender dragon, go into the...
Take that crystal, take that crystal, Believer, Believer!
Knock him down, knock him down, Believer, Believer!
Axe it's head, axe it's head.
Axe it's head, defeat him.