What Minecraft mob do autistic people relate to the most?
The Enderman.
What Minecraft mob do autistic people relate to the most?
The Enderman.
Why didn’t the autistic boy like Minecraft?
There was a new texture pack.
if you play minecraft: your dog is still waiting for you in the world you made along time ago.
I would like to make a Minecraft joke...
It would be too plain.
Stephen Hawking is just in a role play. He died to a crash in Minecraft.
Friend: Why do you like Minecraft so much?
Me: Because I love miners!
Me: Hey friend!
Friend: Yes?
Me: What is the missing sense? Seeing, smelling, _, tasting, hearing.
Friend: Touch.
Me: What do you spawn on Minecraft always? (jk only 99.99%)
Friend: Grass.
Me: And you get?
Friend: Touch grass.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite Minecraft biome?
A plains biome.
Technoblade would love it here.
Q) Why is Technoblade's body hard?
A) Cuz he was thinking of children on his deathbed!
Why does Trump play Minecraft?
'Cause he can build walls.
It's not Minecraft.
It's Ourcraft!
What happened after Technoblade died?
Everyone got raw pork chop.