People see this Rolex and they kill themselves.
Motherfucker, that's a suicide watch!
People see this Rolex and they kill themselves.
Motherfucker, that's a suicide watch!
I used to be a man trapped in a woman’s body. But then I was born.
Comment on this if you are somewhat like me: depressed, single, gay, and act like you're not burning inside.
You know how divers jump off a cliff and land in the water well...
Emos do that too, but when they jump, they don't land in the water.
How many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, they just sit in the dark and cry.
Motherhood is a fairytale in reverse. You start in a beautiful gown and end up cleaning everyone's messes.
Joke: I went to a paraplegic strip club the other day, the place was crawling with pussy.
Why did your emo mom get you?
To have someone to hang out with.
Why did the rapper refuse to write a diss track?
He didn’t want to start beef, he’s VEGAN.
Me: Do you take milk before cereal, or cereal before milk?
The adult person I asked: Cereal?
Me: I take the bowl first! What do you do? Do you just pour everything on the table and then eat it?
The person: Yes.
Me: WHAT?!!!??!!